Thursday, August 6, 2020

Updated guide on how to patch the game using the GL6 repository files Part 5 (patching the ISO)

After doing all of this we have 3 modified game files:

- SLPM_667.16 which contains the VWF code and some translated text
- GL6_FILE.DAT which contains the translated menues, some translated text and the GL5 ENG font
- GL6_SCEN.DAT which contains the translated script

Now all that needs to be done is to build a new ISO using Xpert2:

1. Dump the ISO using Xpert2

2. switch out the original files inside the folder where the game files have been dumped

3. rebuild the ISO

And with that the game is patched:

I will occasionally upload the latest compiled version to the repository, one that is a few weeks old can be found here:



  1. How much of the game is currently playable?

    1. I don't have a specific number, but

      - the main story is about 85% translated, mostly by using the Growlanser Realm script (not including the NPC conversations and other sidequest stuff)
      - all of the items and equipment is translated, but the gems need some more work
      - most of the non-standard text on screen (but also need some polishing)
      - The movies are not translated yet, because we didn't find a way to add subtitles without breaking the audio

      The VWF code is also not 100% perfect right now, there are cases where its clipping out of the text box.
      You could probably play through the whole game, but its very rough and work in progress.

  2. Hey quick question that contains spoilers for Growlanser 6

    How are you planning on translating the protagonist of Growlanser 5's name? Are you going to use Haschen or Zeonsilt?

    1. For consistency we are using all the translated/localized names from Growlanser 5 ENG in Growlanser 6.

  3. Thanks for all your hard work! Can't wait to play it in its entirety!

  4. thank you so much for your hard work!
    it's great to see someone translating a game from an underrated franchise

  5. Hello, thank you for doing this project, I'm very excited about this project! just don't push yourself too hard, stay healthy! thank you!!

  6. I'm moved to tears.

    Growlanser is easily one of my favorite series and I just stumbled on this, thank you so very much.

    I once went on GBAtemp and asked if anyone could use the Growlanser Realm script to start this project, but it never panned out, thank you once again.

  7. I am glad to see that this project is ongoing. Thank you.

  8. Why don't you create xdelta patches?

    1. Because xdelta doesn't work with an ISO that is bigger in size than the original.

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