Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Updated guide on how to patch the game using the GL6 repository files Part 3 (Patching the games script files)

Combining the repository files with the original game files:

1.1 abcde uses Perl, so i recommend using Strawberry Perl (for Windows) in order for abcde to work:


1.2 Add following paths to the PATH windows settings (replace <PATH> with the path to those files on your harddrive):

<PATH>\Strawberry Perl Portable\perl\site\bin
<PATH>\Strawberry Perl Portable\perl\bin
<PATH>\Strawberry Perl Portable\c\bin


1.3 Download abcde and extract it:


1.4 Copy all the abcde .BAT files (and also abcde.tbl) from the repository to the abcde folder:


1.5 Now create a new folder somewhere where you will merge the repositor script with the games .SCEN/SCEC/STXT files.
I'm personally using it like this:

Inside the folder are the contents of the dumped GL6_SCEN.DAT file.

1.6 inside the abcde folder is a file called "abcde Atlas bulk import.bat".
Open it up and replace "PATH1" with the path of the original .SCEN files.
Replace "PATH2" with the path to the repository files.

1.7 Execute "abcde Atlas bulk import.bat" and it should automaticly insert all the repository files into the game files.

2.1 Download the latest version of quickBMS


2.2 Copy all the files of the quickBMS repository folder into the quickBMS folder:


2.3 Now the modified .SCEN/.SCEC/.STXT files need to be imported into the original .DAT file, "quickbms reimport2 - SCEN.bat" can be used to do that, but just as with the abcde scripts the path needs to be updated in order to work:

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