Sunday, April 14, 2019

Progress Update

Hey everyone, mako here. It's been a while so I felt a progress update was in order. Both Risae and I have been super busy with irl stuff lately, so overall progress has been really slow. 

Getting the prologue script out of the way was a pretty big step for the project, as it had the most branching routes in the game. That means since the Growlanser Realm script followed only a single playthrough, I had to manually translate all the other dialogue options, and then test them repeatedly after every edit. There are at least 3 lines that remain unedited as I was unable to trigger the scenarios in game, so I have no context for them. If anyone finds them, take a screenshot and let us know. I've probably played through the prologue over 20 times by now so naturally I got a bit burnt out. 

After taking a few days off from the project, I've now begun working on the item descriptions. This is another script that needs a ton of manual translation (probably even more than the prologue script), and testing won't be as easy either, as we don't have all the items in the save file we're using. Once this and the accessory descriptions are done, there's not much else left to do, which means we should be able to jump into gameplay and start grabbing the Japanese dialogue text using an OCR program in order to translate the rest of the script very soon.

So yeah, just wanted to let ya'll know that we're still alive and working on the project, and that everything is going exactly according to plan. Thankfully we haven't hit any major roadblocks yet, nor are we expecting any ahead, so everything should be fine.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Growlanser 6 Prologue (and more) has been fully translated!

Dear readers,

Mako and i are proud to announce the full translation of the GL6 Prologue!

Using the Growlanser Realm script as a basis, we managed to translate all of the script that is used inside the GL6 Prologue.
Including the Prologue, these have also been fully translated:

NPC, Monster and Other Character Names
Item Names
Spell Names
Plate Names
Ability Names
Gem Names 1
Knacks List
Ability Tree
Yurii's Skills
Menu Help
Memory Card Text
Voice Credits
System Settings
Spells Descriptions
Knacks Descriptions
Ability Descriptions
System Settings Descriptions
AI Settings Descriptions

Some things like Yurii's Menu and the GL6 font are still giving us a bit of a headache, but with time we should be able to fix it one way or the other
(and if a MIPS Hacker is reading this, please give me a call!)

There is still a lot of work to do, but if you want to play the game using out translated script then you can download the already updated game files here:

All you have to do is unpack the GL6 ISO using Xpert, overwrite the dumped files with the ones inside the RAR and then repack it.
A quick guide on how to use Xpert can be found here:

As always you can find our current progress on the repository and we welcome anybody who wants to contribute to the translation.