Wednesday, October 20, 2021

xDelta (work-in-progress) Patch now available

Dear citizens of Monopolis,

recently i was researching again on ways to more easily provide translation patches, instead of translated game files like we do right now.
I came across a Github project called "xdelta3-gui-2.0" by Moodkiller:

Using this neat little tool i was able to create a working xDelta patch, which supported the rebuild ISO from Xpert2.
The xDelta patch is (currently) only about 1.7 MB in size and that is pretty awesome.
And, it supports patching on Linux and Mac out of the box!
You can find a very recent xDelta patch in the downloads section of our repository:

I sadly didn't find an easy to automate the dumping and rebuilding process of the ISO yet.
I will periodically update the xDelta patch with the latest repository files.
If anyone has experience with automating/testing GUI Software/Apps then kindly visit us on our Discord Server.

Steps on how to patch your Growlanser 6 ISO:

1. Download the xDelta Patch from our repository
2. Unzip/Unrar the downloaded file "Growlanser_6_English_xDelta_Patch_XX.XX.20XX.rar" in a new folder
3. Put your Growlanser 6 ISO into the same folder
4. Rename your Growlanser 6 ISO to the following (so the patching script is able to find the ISO): Growlanser 6 Precarious World.iso
5. Run (on Windows) "3.Apply Patch-Windows.bat"
6. There is a new ISO called "Growlanser VI Precarious World English Patched.ISO" which you can use to play the game in english.

Should you play the translated ISO and find any text issues or bugs then kindly let us know in our Discord server!


  1. Just to let you know, xdelta checks the crc of the source file and fails if it doesn't match the one used to create the patch.
    This xdelta patch was not used using the known good dump of the game (redump)
    .iso CRC-32: 64152c43
    MD5: dd9ecabc5487648e8748640e2f17c672

    So unless you provide your non standard iso the xdelta is not usable. Well, it can be used bypassing the CRC check but that's a workaround not a proper solution.
    I urge you to base your patch on the known good dump of the game. Since that's what most people have.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment!
      I dumped my copy of the game using the tool from redump and got the same MD5/CRC as you have - I will remake the xDelta patch and upload it to the repository.

    2. Awesome! Sorry for being a prick. Great work!

    3. Could you test if it works now?

    4. Working perfectly fine. Great work!

  2. Thank you for the work! Sorry for the dumb question but, how much the game is translated? I cant find that info anywhere.

    1. - The VWF (variable width font) code is not fully bug-free, which can result in text clipping into the next line or going outside the text box
      - The main story is fully translated, but not edited
      - Side quests are still work in progress
      - Some image files like the city names are not fully finished
      - 99% of the items, spells and skills should be translated (including descriptions)

      Not sure what else is missing right now

  3. i've been looking forward to playing this for years
    thank you so much for you hardwork!!!

  4. I found this and was super excited.
    They even gave you proper credit which I find helpful to the cause.

  5. Is there a way to revert the CRC back to the original one? Or are we stuck to the new one because of the patch? Thanks!
