Friday, October 23, 2020

Game Patching, now actually user friendly-er Vol. 3

Dear Readers,
the last few days i took some time to try myself on automating some of the more tedious tasks of patching the game files.
And, with the combines power of Batch files and trial n error we are now able to one-click-patch patch all files in a matter of minutes!
I'm sure this is not a difficult task for other people, but since i'm pretty new to this here's how i accomplished it:

I put all of the programs (armips, quickbms, abcde and strawberry portable) and files that are needed to create translated .DAT files onto our repository.
One of the more difficult things was to create a PATH variable that automaticly takes the folder path above the script file.
But thanks to Stackoverflow and other websites there seems to be an easy way to accomplish that:

for %%i in ("%~dp0..") do set "GITHUBPATH=%%~fi"

Same goes for the automatic PATH for Strawberry Portable.

SET "PATH=%PATH%;%GITHUBPATH%\GL6 build\03-Strawberry Perl Portable\perl\site\bin"
SET "PATH=%PATH%;%GITHUBPATH%\GL6 build\03-Strawberry Perl Portable\perl\bin"
SET "PATH=%PATH%;%GITHUBPATH%\GL6 build\03-Strawberry Perl Portable\c\bin"

Having solved those issues, creating the batch was not that difficult.
The batch file pretty much just grabs the translated files, puts them into a folder together and does all the stuff that i explained in a few blog posts earlier.
For anybody who's interested, heres the batch file:

I commented on everything to make it more clear on what the batch file is currently doing.

For anybody interested: If you download the repository you can build your own translated .DAT and ELF now.
The repository includes everything you need in order for the script to work.
I apologize for the big size of the repository though, the game manuals for GL1, 5 and 6 kinda take up a lot of space.

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